Thursday, January 31, 2019
Who cleans the toilets?
Much goes into running a household. It's more that heading off to work to earn the money to pay the never-ending influx of bills. It's also the daily maintenance and cleaning chores as well.
What are some of the household chores that need to be done?
How do you decide who does what chores?
Do you divide the chores evenly?
Some couples naturally fall into a routine of the chore dispersal without much discussion. Others talk about how they will divide up the chores. However, you choose to do it try to keep a few things in mind. Sometimes what one starts out doing may at some point need to be shifted to the other partner. Sometimes that is because a job outside the home or any number of other factors makes this change necessary. Sometimes health issues will cause this shift in chore responsibilities.
One thing to remember is that attempting to divide chores straight down the center is not a realistic approach. There will be times when you will feel as if you are doing the lion's share of the chores. At times you might feel you are not doing your fair share. One thing can remain constant, this should not be a source of contention between you two.
When you married you entered into a team situation. Both bringing strengths to the relationship that the other may be lacking. Rarely will you find any team where the players have the exact strengths. By keeping this in the forefront of your mind when you begin to feel you are the only one doing any chores around the home, arguments can be avoided.
Of course, being humans the load may actually shift in that direction. A calm discussion where you state how you are feeling will do much to restore the balance.
One last thought, just because one person in your relationship might be or is the sole money earner in no way gives them a free pass on household chores. Again a discussion on how to reasonably distribute household chores will leave you both feeling needed and useful.
So sit down and decide, "who is going to clean the toilets"?
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Become an Encourager
When was the last time you told your partner that
they did a good job?
It is easy to tell someone want they are doing wrong. We tend to forget to offer praise and appreciation for the things people do.
The word encourage comes from the Old French word "encoragier" which means to "make strong, hearten". The way you encourage your spouse can take on many forms. You can be their cheerleader. Yelling their name, figuratively, from the sidelines while they are struggling with a particular endeavor can give them the encouragement they need to know you are in their corner. This perhaps will give them the extra heart they need to work harder than ever because you believe in them and cheer them on.
Encouragement can come in the form of a sincere compliment. If your spouse has a talent compliment them on it. Be specific in your compliment. Many such talents have turned out to be a persons calling in life. It may be the impetus needed to help them fulfill a lifelong dream.
Perhaps the encouragement you give them will give them the heart they need to make changes in their life that may to them seem daunting or overwhelming and therefore they have been putting off. Giving them encouraging pep talks to find the strength they need to make a change. To grow and prosper.
You can be a force of great good when your words are used to hearten and encourage your spouse.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Choosing an Officiant
Your wedding will be one of the biggest days of your life. You will spend months working out every little detail. You will be choosing the caterer, the florist, the venue, the DJ, the dress and tuxedo, seating charts, reception hall, who will make the cake, who will do your hair and makeup, the photographer and whether you want to include something special like a Unity Ceremony or our unique "Clock Ceremony". It will be at times an all-consuming venture. With all the preparations it will be nothing but a large party without the Officiant.
Just as you plan the details for all the other aspects of your wedding your choice of an Officiant should be a careful and well thought out decision. Leaving this aspect for last can be a risky choice. It might seem like a minimal and secondary decision however you will want to hire an Officiant that is both professional and meshes well with you and your fiancees' personality.
Speaking from experience I can tell you that I book many of my weddings a year in advance. Some brides come to me two years out from their date requesting my services. So should you choose to wait until the last month or even six months to book your minister you may find yourself with a very limited selection.
While my schedule still has some dates available, now would be a great time to give me a call. Let's talk about your plans and ideas for making your wedding "The Event of the Season". I would love to put my experience and knowledge to work for you. I am in my office every day from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.
My direct line is (314) 378-8280.
Diana Floyd
Love Wins Wedding Officiant
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Right now...
Try this. Right now go to your spouse put your arms around them and give them a hug. Hold that hug for at least 10 seconds.
The human touch is one of the most powerful forces on earth. Babies and the elderly have been known to die for the lack of another human touching them, holding them and talking to them.
If the lack of human touch can literally cause another soul to die can you see where it could cause your marriage to die? It's not a stretch of the imagination, is it?
Life is hectic. Life is taxing. But life, life keeps happening. Rarely does a spare block of time just drop into your life. That's why we schedule vacations.
Right now go to your spouse and put your arms around them and just hold them. Hold them for the sake of just holding them.
This is one way to keep your marriage strong.
Every journey begins with a single step.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Have an Affair
Have an Affair with your spouse!
After the new has faded from your relationship that is the time when you need to work extra hard to recapture those sparks that flew when you were dating. After being married a little while couple can fall into a routine of work and home life and forget to make time for each other. Keeping your relationship alive and exciting is important. My suggestion is committing to having a "date" night.
Decorate a box with the mementos from places you went when you first started going out. Then fill that box with date activities. Take turns pulling out a paper and doing for that night whatever it suggests. Keeping the element of surprise can make the "affair" with your spouse more thrilling. You don't have to do anything that is expensive if you don't want to. Just plan to spend the night together getting away from all the distractions life has given you. You are only limited by your imagination. You can pretend you are meeting each other for the first time.
Here are a few other example of the things you can do:
- write a love letter
- take a bath together
- go for a walk or drive together
- listen to music
- make arrangements for an overnight getaway
- give your partner a massage
- tell your partner 10 reasons why you love them
- play a game in which the loser must strip
No matter what you choose to do keep your relationship NEW
and have a life long "Affair" with your spouse!
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
18 ways to make your wedding unique
Here are some of the ways to make your wedding unique.
1. Have a Unity Ceremony
2. Present a rose to your Mother or Grandparents
3. Have someone sing a Song
4. Write your own vows
5. Tell your story
6. Have someone read a Poem
7. Have children give you away
8. Have parents seated opposite you during ceremony
9. Have family participate in Unity ceremony
10. Have a special private prayer with children
11. Have Mother or both parents walk you down the isle
12. Couple could sing a song
13. Dance down the isle
14. Let doves (balloons) go after being pronounced.
15. Jump the broom
16. Special prayer or blessing read
17. Dress in costumes
18. Bride ride in on horse
The ideas are only limited by your imagination.
Love Wins Wedding Officiant (314) 378-8280
Monday, January 21, 2019
"Did You Do ANYTHING Today..?"
"Did You Do ANYTHING Today..?"
These words. Oh my. When you use these words to chastise your spouse when you come home and the house is not as clean as you think it should be you are making a judgment that deals a crushing blow.
You rise early and head off to a job that you may not like. You spend all day doing things for a boss that at the end of the day takes the credit and tells you-you did a good job, but you could be doing so much more. It is drudgery.
Your spouse rises in the morning and they have a laundry list of things to accomplish in the same time frame you have. That list may include the laundry, your laundry that you expect to be washed, with stains removed, then perhaps ironed, folded and put away. There will be the morning dishes to clean and the house will likely need to be looked after. The floors swept and maybe mopped, dusting, bathrooms cleaned, living room and bedroom cleaned and it could be much more. Then there is the grocery list on the refrigerator. A trip to the grocery store is on the to-do list. Then what to fix for the evening meal. Something delicious, filling, different than "the same old thing you always have" and within your budget. The budget! Oh yes, there are the bills that need to be paid. Not everyone pays bills online. Sometimes before you leave for work you add to your spouses' to-do list extra things that you want or need to be done but you don't have the time.
Let's take this up a notch. What if you have children? Children, whether they are big or small, are still children and they need, want and require much attention from your spouse. So now the stay at home spouse will need to get the children in the car when they run the errands you gave them, buy the groceries that you will no doubt be eating, come home and clean the house that as soon as they leave that clean room will go to another room which they will re-clean because the children took .001 seconds to demolish an hours worth of labor. It sometimes feels like a vicious cycle but it needs to be done. You expect it to be done and your spouse expects it of themselves, too.
So all that having been said I did a bit of research, feel free to do your own. When you come home from your job and things are not to your standards remember this list!
- Housekeeper ............................................................................... $160/wk average
- Personal Shopper ........................................................................ $14 - $26/hr average
- Bookkeeper ................................................................................. $30 - $40/hr average
- Laundry Service .......................................................................... $3/lb average
- Daycare ....................................................................................... $611/wk average
- Personal Chef .............................................................................. $20/hr average
- Personal Errand Runner .............................................................. $27/hr
I hope you get the idea. Your spouse is invaluable to you. Because I didn't bother adding to this list your personal on-call therapist. You may have a very draining job but your stay at home teammate, your spouse isn't getting the luxury end of the deal.
When you come home after a long and emotionally and physically draining day and you are ready to snap do yourself and your spouse a huge favor. Take a minute for yourself to regroup. To think about how excited your spouse is when you come home. How happy just you walking through that door at the end of the day makes them. Think how only a single word or look will either make them run to you with kisses and hugs or destroy that smile and trash that excitement on their face. You have that power. Use it as a force for good. Remember, you are not the only one who worked hard today. You are not the only one who wants to be appreciated for all they do.
So, regroup then walk through that door and receive your kisses, hugs, and appreciation and ask them "So, tell me all about your day!"
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Time to practice for the BIG DAY.
Rehearsals are an important part of any wedding. You don't want to get to your wedding day and have things hectic because you didn't think of all the little things that need to be decided. Here is a list of some of the things you will need to think about to make your wedding go as smooth as possible.
1. Pair up your wedding party. Who will be walking who down the isle?
2. Who will walk in the Grandparents & Parents?
3. Decide how the wedding party will enter. Do you want your wedding party to walk in together or separate? Some couples want to show off the girls so they will have them walk in separate while the guys come in the side together. The wedding party will be entering in reverse order of how they will stand next to the couple.
4. Are there any flower girls or ring bearers? Will they be walking in together or separate? Who will have the rings? Most couples will use fake rings for the ring bearer to carry.
5. Do you want someone to walk you down the aisle? Who will that be? This person will be on your left as they walk you down the aisle.
6. Will the question "who brings this woman/man" be asked?
7. Are you going to have anyone read a poem or sing a song? The officiant will need to know who this person is and will instruct them when they will need to come forward.
8. During the ceremony stand together holding hands as much as possible. During "I do's" and vows to look into each other's eyes, not at officiant. After all, you are not marrying the officiant.
9. Unity Ceremonies. Are you having a unity ceremony? If so, do you have everything needed?
For example Table, Candles, Lighters, Sand, etc... Have it set up and stand so guests can see what you are doing.
10. During the ring, exchange hold the ring at the knuckle for the count of 4 or more. Again about the pictures. **Angle hand towards guests so they can see the ring being put on.
11. Kiss One the most important pictures you will want is the kiss. TAKE YOUR TIME! Without being X-rated. Most professional photographers have fast cameras but if they can get a few shots of the kiss it would be better. The officiant will move out of the way of this picture.
12. After the kiss, the Couple and wedding party will be invited by the officiant to face their guests. The officiant will announce them as a married couple and the music will start and the couple walks down the aisle. When the couple reaches the end the wedding party will leave in reverse order of coming in.
13. Where is everyone going after the wedding is over? Are you going to have a receiving line? Are there going to be pictures taken? Who needs to stay for pictures? Things get a little crazy after the wedding because most people don't know what is going on or where they need to be. Discuss this with everyone so there is no confusion.
14. Most important thing after the wedding is the signing of the license. Your 2 witness need to be available right after the ceremony. In most counties the couple signs when they pick up the license so they will not be needed to sign the license. But they may still want to witness the license being signed. Also, they may want pictures of the license being signed.
15. Have fun. Your whole wedding isn't ruined because someone fell walking down the aisle or because the flower girl didn't want to walk with the ring bearer. Things happen. If something goes wrong just go with it. At the end of the ceremony, you will be married. Enjoy the moment!
Love Wins Wedding Officiant Website
Love Wins Wedding Officiant Facebook Page
Love Wins Wedding Officiant (314) 378-8280
Friday, January 18, 2019
Thursday, January 17, 2019
It's all about you
It is not uncommon for me to walk in to a rehearsal and even a wedding and be pulled to the side to be offered a quick word of caution about a guest, usually a close family member, that I should be aware of because they are attempting to commandeer the wedding or otherwise "run the show".
It can be very stressful when a family member is attempting to insert their wishes upon the couple. This may help.
First, keep in mind this wedding is about you. It's not about giving everybody on the guest list all that they want. It is absolutely impossible to please everyone. Even if the wedding is being paid for in part or in its entirety by the person who is insisting things be done their way it is still your wedding. It is still about you and your wants. It could mean that you will need to set boundaries with this person and stick to them. It will mean you asserting and vocalizing what you want clearly and in no uncertain terms. Just because they might be monetarily contributing towards the ceremony does not mean they should be able to run with it. In a firm and loving manner, you need to communicate far in advance your wishes to those who have a history of trying to push their ways and ideals upon your day.
Second, try not to worry so much about hurting their feelings. You are not responsible for their feelings. Keeping in mind that when you are expressing yourself to say what you mean, mean what you say but don't say it mean. Be kind. These folks have their reasons why they insist on having things their way. Even if you don't understand, it makes sense to them. So, if they seem hurt when you tell them "no" remember, they'll survive a "no". It'll be okay. And believe it or not "No" is a complete sentence.
Last, if you try to give everybody a say in your day when it's all said and done and in a week or so you look back on your wedding will you be happy with how your wedding turned out? Will giving in to the "tantrums" of your future mother-in-law/father-in-law (and both of you will have in-laws) leave you feeling happy? Or will it potentially be a source of contention between you two? "If you had just told your (fill in the blank) "No" such and such would not be an issue now.
It's about your marriage. You can't make everybody happy. No matter what you do, someone will not be completely satisfied. Therefore, have them black roses or lime green tuxedoes if that's your burning desire because, in the end, it's all about you.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Falling in LOVE
WOW! There is an image that seems incongruent. Falling rarely has lovely connotations. When I fall I usually end up with a bruise or a cut or some injury. It hurts. It hurts for a long time and I usually have a scar to show for my falling.
Falling in Love can sometimes be a painful experience. It can leave us bruised or scarred. So why use that phrase?
Like most rules in life, there is an exception. I like to think this "Falling in Love" is the exception.
Have ever been exhausted and fallen into bed? That's a nice, soft, comfortable place to fall, isn't it?
If you didn't fall into bed you'd be forced to sleep in an upright position or in a chair or somewhere else less comfortable. Falling in love is like that soft, warm sweet haven from the exhausting place we call life. It might take a try or two but when you have the perfect place to fall you will know it. You can feel it.
But if you keep love at arm's length and never decide to "fall" how will you ever get the chance to experience the feeling of total relaxation, rest and renewal of energies?
Yes, it could hurt. Yes, it could be the best feeling you've ever known.
Here are four essentials to remember:
1. let your guard down--you deserve to be happy
2. let go of checklists - human perfection does not exist
3. let go of your past and theirs - don't punish them for the sins of others
4. know you have worth and value
Sunday, January 13, 2019
One of the most important elements of a successful relationship is respect.
The noun form of respect the dictionary describes as "feeling a deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements". However, the verb form of the same word the dictionary defines this way "to admire someone or something deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements. The difference is subtle but noticeable. You take that feeling of respect and you display it with your words and actions. Your partner need not guess or wonder if you have respect for them because they can see with their own eyes that you do admire their abilities and qualities and achievements.
With respect in your relationship
* you cheer your partner on
* you value your partner's opinion
* you stand behind your partner
Learn to vocalize your admiration for your partner. Maybe you are not the kind of person who is good about saying how they feel. Practice. The more you do the easier it will become.
It is not enough for you to feel it in your heart and think it in your head. Those places are a good start but your partner doesn't have tangible access there. Make your respect for your partner the verb form. Tell them when you are proud they fixed the plumbing; when they complimented your mother on a meal well cooked; when they wear that scent you think is amazing; when they worked all day and still put a tasty meal on the table. Do you get the idea?
Just like you need to know you are respected so does your partner. Here is a neat thing about using the verb form of respect you may not know, the more you express your respect the more respect will be expressed towards you.
Start today, start NOW. What did your partner do today that you think was wonderful? Tell them. You will notice in no time at all a measurable improvement in the amount of respect your relationship has.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Are you suffering from the "seven-year itch"?
In the early years of your marriage, it's easy to be patient and forgiving to overlook or even find certain little idiosyncracies adorable. But as time goes by we might become disenchanted by their habits. We may even suffer from a case of the dreaded "seven-year itch". Be careful. If you find you are becoming envious of those who are unattached because of the freedom they have or find your eyes wander to others, not your mate, do a searching evaluation of your heart and motives. Ask yourself if you really want to throw away so easily the love, time and attention you have invested in this person who only a few short years ago was your entire world. Perhaps an honest conversation with your partner will go far in getting your head back in "the game."
If you are not happy then perhaps you are not contributing your 100% to this relationship and pointing the finger at what they are or are not doing to cast the light of attention away from your faults.
Do not be quick to throw away something that not so long ago put a bounce in your step. See if you can't recapture that love. There is something very exciting about the pursuit and regaining a love that means so much.
They were worth it once. Chances are, they're still worth it.
Love Wins Wedding Officiant (314) 378-8280
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Love is kind.
Are you a kind person? The definition of kind is..having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. Kindness is generosity. To be kind is selflessly aware and willing to help others.
In your relationship are you doing something just to get a thank you or appreciation? When you don't get an acknowledgment, do you get upset and resentful? Those resentments lead to feelings of being unappreciated. Which lead to not wanting to do anything for them. After all, they don't appreciate it. Right?
If this is your only motivation for doing things for each other your relationship will suffer.
True kindness is doing something for another person without expecting anything in return. Do it because it makes you feel good. Do it because it is the nice (right) thing to do. Do it because this is the person you love. You cannot be in love and be unkind at the same time.
So next time you go get yourself something to eat or drink get your partner one too. Tell each other thank you. Even for those little things.
A little kindness goes a long way in building your relationship.
Love Wins Wedding Officiant (314) 378-8280
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Choosing an Officiant
Your wedding will be one of the biggest days of your life. You will spend months working out every little detail. You will be choosing t...