Saturday, January 5, 2019

Love is kind.

Are you a kind person?  The definition of kind is..having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. Kindness is generosity.  To be kind is selflessly aware and willing to help others.

In your relationship are you doing something just to get a thank you or appreciation?  When you don't get an acknowledgment, do you get upset and resentful?  Those resentments lead to feelings of being unappreciated.  Which lead to not wanting to do anything for them.  After all, they don't appreciate it. Right?  

If this is your only motivation for doing things for each other your relationship will suffer.  

True kindness is doing something for another person without expecting anything in return.  Do it because it makes you feel good.  Do it because it is the nice (right) thing to do.  Do it because this is the person you love.  You cannot be in love and be unkind at the same time.  

So next time you go get yourself something to eat or drink get your partner one too.  Tell each other thank you.  Even for those little things.  

A little kindness goes a long way in building your relationship.

Love Wins Wedding Officiant  (314) 378-8280

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