Thursday, January 31, 2019
Who cleans the toilets?
Much goes into running a household. It's more that heading off to work to earn the money to pay the never-ending influx of bills. It's also the daily maintenance and cleaning chores as well.
What are some of the household chores that need to be done?
How do you decide who does what chores?
Do you divide the chores evenly?
Some couples naturally fall into a routine of the chore dispersal without much discussion. Others talk about how they will divide up the chores. However, you choose to do it try to keep a few things in mind. Sometimes what one starts out doing may at some point need to be shifted to the other partner. Sometimes that is because a job outside the home or any number of other factors makes this change necessary. Sometimes health issues will cause this shift in chore responsibilities.
One thing to remember is that attempting to divide chores straight down the center is not a realistic approach. There will be times when you will feel as if you are doing the lion's share of the chores. At times you might feel you are not doing your fair share. One thing can remain constant, this should not be a source of contention between you two.
When you married you entered into a team situation. Both bringing strengths to the relationship that the other may be lacking. Rarely will you find any team where the players have the exact strengths. By keeping this in the forefront of your mind when you begin to feel you are the only one doing any chores around the home, arguments can be avoided.
Of course, being humans the load may actually shift in that direction. A calm discussion where you state how you are feeling will do much to restore the balance.
One last thought, just because one person in your relationship might be or is the sole money earner in no way gives them a free pass on household chores. Again a discussion on how to reasonably distribute household chores will leave you both feeling needed and useful.
So sit down and decide, "who is going to clean the toilets"?
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