Friday, January 11, 2019

Are you suffering from the "seven-year itch"?

In the early years of your marriage, it's easy to be patient and forgiving to overlook or even find certain little idiosyncracies adorable. But as time goes by we might become disenchanted by their habits. We may even suffer from a case of the dreaded "seven-year itch". Be careful. If you find you are becoming envious of those who are unattached because of the freedom they have or find your eyes wander to others, not your mate, do a searching evaluation of your heart and motives. Ask yourself if you really want to throw away so easily the love, time and attention you have invested in this person who only a few short years ago was your entire world. Perhaps an honest conversation with your partner will go far in getting your head back in "the game."

If you are not happy then perhaps you are not contributing your 100% to this relationship and pointing the finger at what they are or are not doing to cast the light of attention away from your faults.

Do not be quick to throw away something that not so long ago put a bounce in your step. See if you can't recapture that love. There is something very exciting about the pursuit and regaining a love that means so much.

They were worth it once. Chances are, they're still worth it.

Love Wins Wedding Officiant (314) 378-8280

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