Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Become an Encourager

When was the last time you told your partner that 
they did a good job?

It is easy to tell someone want they are doing wrong.  We tend to forget to offer praise and appreciation for the things people do.

The word encourage comes from the Old French word "encoragier" which means to "make strong, hearten". The way you encourage your spouse can take on many forms. You can be their cheerleader. Yelling their name, figuratively, from the sidelines while they are struggling with a particular endeavor can give them the encouragement they need to know you are in their corner. This perhaps will give them the extra heart they need to work harder than ever because you believe in them and cheer them on.

Encouragement can come in the form of a sincere compliment. If your spouse has a talent compliment them on it. Be specific in your compliment. Many such talents have turned out to be a persons calling in life. It may be the impetus needed to help them fulfill a lifelong dream.

Perhaps the encouragement you give them will give them the heart they need to make changes in their life that may to them seem daunting or overwhelming and therefore they have been putting off. Giving them encouraging pep talks to find the strength they need to make a change. To grow and prosper.

You can be a force of great good when your words are used to hearten and encourage your spouse.

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