Saturday, March 30, 2019

Is It Love? Part IX

"It keeps no record of wrongs"

The ninth on the list is something perhaps we have all been guilty of. 

Any relationship will come to a point where a debate becomes heated. As we learned in yesterday's discussion, everyone has a boil over point.

After tempers cool down and you've had time to make up we all try our best to forgive and forget. We may even pride ourselves on our ability to let things go. If you are one that is capable of doing that, good for you. Keep up the good work.

For most the problem is we only think we're good at that. Reality is we let it go until the next argument. Keeping no record of wrongs would mean therefore that when the discussion becomes heated we don't roll out the list of past faults and fire them at our mate like missiles. That is clearly a sign we are keeping a record of wrongs, albeit a mental record.

No one likes to have their past mistakes hurled at them. It is hurtful, embarrassing and damaging to the long term well being and longevity of our relationship. Be the person who when they say "I accept your apology "truly does! Learn to move on from the past. There is nothing back there that can be altered, especially when it comes to the errors of our mate, so leave it in the past.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Is It Love? Part VIII

In today's world we seem to constantly find ourselves colliding with abrasive people and personalities. It is not unusual for people to let their tempers get the best of them. And that's just during our morning commute! Then we have the whole day to deal with similar attitudes. If we are not careful the bad moods of people we deal with at work will spill over into our home life. We might become "easily angered" with our mate.

The Apostle Paul cautioned us that love, true love, does not become easily angered.

What does that really mean? Are we to pretend that as humans we will never become agitated or angry? Hardly! However when we really love our mate we will not be quick to rage. We will not jump to conclusions on matters before we have heard what they have to say. Love will even allow us to offer second chances because we will not be hasty to render judgment against our mate. Remembering that often we ourselves have been guilty of wronging our mate and sincerely desired their forgiveness.

Even more than being forgiving love will prevent us from having a vindictive spirit!

If you struggle with anger issues then you will need to work extra hard to control your temper and your tongue.

Think about this. The next time you feel yourself becoming agitated to the point of full blown anger step back and pause. In that moment of pause ask yourself three things before you open your mouth to speak:
1- Does it need to be said?
2- Does it need to be said by me?
3- Does it need to be said right now?

If you cannot honestly answer yes to ALL THREE questions, then just don't say it.

Once it is said, your mate can never unhear it or unfeel it.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Is It Love? Part VII

The next marker given us by Paul as he describes true love in action is: "is not self-seeking".

Simply put this means one will not always insist on having things their way. Demanding things be done as they wish it to be. Large or small.

When one is in a relationship it is a sign of true love when they consider what their partner would like.

If one likes the ocean and the other the forest for a vacation destination it should be a matter of discussion. Compromising if necessary. Not insisting on your own wants every time.

Yielding to our mates interests is a beautiful way to keep harmony and balance alive in our relationship. It is a clear way to show, without words, that what they want matters as much to you as what you want.

Try this. The next time you sit down to watch YOUR favorite show with your partner instead of commandeering the remote, hand it to them. Don't ask them what they want to watch, just hand them the remote and tell them whatever they want to watch is good with you. Make your word good though. It doesn't count if you complain or sigh heavily at their choice. Starting with the small things makes accomplishing the bigger things more do-able.

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