Saturday, March 23, 2019

Is It Love? Part III

The third element of expressive love in this series is "It does not envy".

Let's begin by defining what envy is. Envy can be defined as a desire to have what others have, their gifts or possessions. It is a mourning for something we feel we do not have and the temptation to compare ourselves to others.

Envy is destructive in relationships in this day and age more than generations prior. I say this because nowadays many couples are coming from previous relationships and /or marriages. With this blending of pasts the current relationship will have to be able to absorb and be able to have buffers against those past relationships. If one of the partners suffers from insecurities or low self-esteem the temptation to compare themselves to their partners ex will be prevalent. But try to remember that your partner is with you because they love you for who you are, so be you, the person they are in love with. True love for your spouse will leave little room for envy. Keep in mind that while envy may occasionally come to the surface, we are works in progress and we can always improve.

Tomorrow we will talk about another feature of love, "it does not boast".

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