Pride was the fifth marker determining whether what you see in your relationship is truly love.
Pride is not always bad or sinful. Even God after each creative day looked upon all that he had made and said that it was very good. He expressed pride in a job well done. Was that sinful? Never!
However in the context of 1 Corinthians 13: 4 this form of pride is always sinful. The King James Version translate this phrase as "puffed-up". In other words full of oneself, an over inflated ego.
Pride is the single most detrimental "cancer" to a relationship for six reasons.
1: We will not admit when we are wrong.
2: We won't admit that we failed. Thus we will not learn and grow
from our mistakes.
3: We won't listen to others. It is by listening to what others have
to say that we gain knowledge. If we are always the ultimate
authority on everything then we will never be any smarter than
we are right now. We will feel there is nothing we can be taught
for we already know it all.
4: It can cause us to lie, hide or cover up the truth. The truth will
always come to light, but by then the damaged caused may not
be able to be undone.
5: We won't ask for help. We are only human, asking for help
is not a sign of weakness. No, not by any stretch of the imagi-
nation! Quite the opposite actually. It is truly a sign of strength.
It is also endearing.
6: The expression "Cut off one's nose to spite their face". The
best course we may refuse because pride will not allow us
to accept it.
Uprooting a prideful spirit is not easy. It will take effort, determination and tenacity. But your relationship is worth every ounce of exerted effort to that end that you put into it.
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