Friday, March 22, 2019

Is It Love? Part II

Second on the list of what true love looks like when it is in action according to 1 Corinthians 13:4 is "kindness".

Researchers have found that having and practicing being kind to your partner to be the most important predictor of satisfaction and stability in marriage.

Far from being a sign of weakness being kind actually requires courage and strength. It takes strength to go swim a current of anger. It takes courage to approach your mate and tell them you love them, give them a hug and hold them when your instinct might be to lash out in anger during an argument. We are in need of love most when we feel we are at our most unlovable. It can be such a life altering moment.

Kindness can be expressed in the way we speak to our partner and in the way we act towards them. To be kind we need to open our eyes and begin seeing our partner. Start noticing them. Really see them. If it sounds as if I am being redundant perhaps I am. I am because it's time to get out of yourself and start getting into your relationship. 

Today try this experiment: Look around your home and practice noticing what needs to be done and doing it. Yes, seeing a need and fulfilling it is an act of kindness. It doesn't matter if it's your job or not, what matters is you noticed an area your partner need assistance with and you helped, without being asked, prodded or having a resentful attitude. 

Other ways you can practice being a kind person is just simply smile. When your partner enters the room, smile. What a beautiful way of letting them know how happy their just being there makes you. 

Learn to offer genuine honest compliments. Be specific when giving your compliment. Instead of a generic "You look nice tonight" be specific about how they look nice. Put effort into it and the rewards will be bountiful.

Did you know that kind people are ones who fully and happily celebrate the successes of another? Don't be jealous of your spouses achievements, embrace their wins and openly rejoice in their successes! 

It is too easy to become bitter and ungrateful these days. It takes work and dedication to resist that movement so prevalent and instead cultivate a kind spirit. 

Does the person you want to spend the rest of your life with treat you with kindness? Do you treat them with kindness? If so that is a good indicator that true love is a common bond and your relationship has a long life expectancy.

Tomorrow we will talk about the third quality which defines true love and that is love "does not envy".

Feel free to leave me a comment about other ways kindness can be displayed towards your partner.

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