The person who truly has love for you will be the person who is truthful.
For, love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Some will argue that there are times when a lie would be a kindness. Not true, according to this scripture.
Being truthful builds trust. If the one who loves you tells you the truth even if it is not pretty or complimentary, you will always know that the words that come from them will be as good as gold.
Do not mistake being truthful with brutal honesty. They are about as far apart as two concepts can be. One who is brutal with their honesty does not really show love. They are typically trying to be hurtful, demeaning and vindictive. Even if they preface their words with "I love you, but.."
Speak your truth with empathy. The Apostle Paul said we should let our words always be seasoned with salt. Salt is a spice that enhances a dish. It offers flavor and makes it more palatable. Just as the words we speak to our mate should be. Another property of salt is of it being an excellent preservative. When you apply that to how someone who loves you will speak to you honestly it's easy to see how one can rejoice in the truth and preserve their mates dignity and their relationship.
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