Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Is It Love? Part VI

In our continuing discussion of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 the sixth bench mark of true love is that it "does not dishonor others".

The scripture uses the word dishonor. I would like to put a positive spin on this by discussing what is the opposite of dishonor and that is honor!

To dishonor would mean we are demeaning, inappropriate or humiliating our partner.

How can we do the opposite of those? When someone professes to love us we should be able to see that by their tone of voice when they speak to us. They should speak with respect and equality. When there is a difference of opinion they will not correct us while in the presence of others but be loyal in words and action, clarifying the problem in private, so as not to embarrass them.
Flirting with someone who is not your spouse is not honoring the one you claim to be in love with.  Even the attitude we choose can bring honor. An attitude of respect, appreciation, and gratitude are a wonderful way to honor our partner. Understanding that we all bring different talents to the relationship based on our different backgrounds. Listen to their thoughts, without interrupting. Thanking them often and specifically for the things they do daily.

Honoring our partner is actually one of the easiest ways we can express our love for them. It requires so little and gives so much.
Honoring our partner will go far in helping them and by extension our relationship to flourish.

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